Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with docker

Setup your own persistent web IRC client

Published 16 March 2020 in archive with tags tutorial , beginners , social , docker These days, Slack is all the rage, but in years gone by, whenever facing world-changing events, IRC has been the place to hangout. These days, you don't seem to hear much about it, and when you try and introduce people to it, the old and somewhat dated clients are hard to sell. Continue reading …

Clean up k8s/Rancher

Published 10 December 2019 in archive with tags kubernetes , rancher , linux , docker This script is mostly for myself in the future. While playing around with Kubernetes and Rancher, machines become polluted with directories in /var, /etc, and /opt. Pollution is bad. This script will remove those as well as wiping down a system. Continue reading …

Install Docker on OSX

Published 23 June 2014 in archive with tags vagrant , docker , homebrew , boot2docker To install Docker on OSX, you're going to need to install a few prerequisites. Continue reading …

Remove all Docker containers

Published 5 June 2014 in archive with tags linux , docker After working with Docker for only a few hours, I now have more old containers than I have fingers. Continue reading …

Local DNS resolver found in resolv.conf and containers can't use it

Published 28 May 2014 in archive with tags ubuntu , dhcp , dnsmasq , docker I've been playing with Docker for part of a project, and came across this annoying but important message: Continue reading …

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